My business model explained
Apparently my business model have perplexed part of my new audience lately. I have weird messages from non suitors, unable to handle rejection. Questions of ignorant nature, and same punters calling and emailing with different names in a quest for the truth behind my No.
To all past and future perplexed or confused:
I like clarity. Clarity in vision, goals, relations, thoughts, communications etc. I also see it as life transparency. Transparency eliminates assumption and we all know the assumption is the mother of all 'F' ups. To navigate any business successfully, learning and implementing lucidity is essential. It is an extremely valuable skill in the aim of achieving excellence and it is excellence, high skill and performance that are the building blocks of substance for every brand. Some people may argue, I do not have a brand, but those people either don't know what a brand is or are nothing more than small minded Luddites resisting progress. I do have a brand, I am my brand. I have carefully developed my very own business model. I have taken something old and familiar and have turned it to something new and surprising. I have pushed risk to metamorphose into safety, re-styled guilt into content, rendered services into experiences, revised relaxing time into lasting memories and forged personal bonds that have transformed lives. I've tailored my business to suit my vision and goals, while delivering value to the market. I am in the business of value exchange, NOT in the business of sex for money, and if that is a surprise to some, perhaps they should learn how to read first and then how to value their own time. I am very explicit in my presentation, clear in my intentions and realistic about my target market. There isn't much room for interpretations, assumptions and confusion unless the viewer is choosing ignorance. In that case my hands are tied. Whatever path my audience chooses to follow has nothing to do with me, but I do have a choice to offer my value in exchange of an equal or greater one.
Many mistake my transparency for marketing, but not because that is the obvious option, but because this is what they choose to believe based on pre-conceived ideas and stereotypes. Of course marketing is important for my business and for my brand and I do try my very best to market my value, but my marketing is based on actuality. I haven't created big words to advertise cheap existence, and haven't disguised a donkey as a unicorn. I have rather belittled the Luxury, Personalised, Unique companionship and attention I deliver, with words such as Escort, in the urgency for relevant marketing. Style is more important than substance initially, but without substance style is simply intangible.
How I see it is, if someone doesn't value themselves highly enough to want to spend the time and learn about how possible it is to receive what they want, then why should I value them...or rather, what value would they bring to me?
If someone is thinking my vetting process for new clients is too long, takes too much effort and it's annoying or silly then this is their problem, not mine. They are the one devaluing themselves. They are the one undermining their own safety, pleasure, comfort and privacy. They are the one who believe they are not worth the effort. And how can someone like that possibly bring value to me?
Not finding it important enough to familiarise oneself with the initial steps and content, is the prospect's error. How does the consequence of that error become personal? It is NOT.
By marketing my brand I do look for prospects, but the clients are the ones contacting me. I have made my presentation, I have given education and I have delivered enough evidence for the authenticity of my value by the time the contact is made. The next step, naturally, is finding out how can I help, and if the exchange of value is lucrative for both sides.
After all this is a business. My aim is to turn my audience into assets, but I have the luxury of choice, just as my audience has. I know what I offer and I know who I would like to offer it to. I market my brand in a way that can reach those prospects, but by default using already familiar and proven tools. My business is built on research and strategies, just like any other business out there. It has faults and strengths, it has ups and downs, and like every business the final target is growth. For every business growth translates as revenue and profit, but every business has a different strategy and market. My question to the prospective clients who have experienced other business models and are perplexed by mine, will be:
Do you know exactly what are you looking for? Are you after:
1. Convenience?
2. Personalised services?
3. Variety of services?
4. Quality of services?
5. Competitive price?
Make up your mind, then know your value and last but not least, respect your time. When you follow those simple steps and still decide to contact me, then I guarantee you, you will be part of my clientele list.
I have nothing personal against you, when I politely decline meeting with you. I do not know you, but by your own initial presentation or request I have concluded that we can not exchange value. My decline doesn't make you less of a great man, it just makes you a great man that is not looking for the right service provider.
When you are on a market for a Fiat, it is only understandable to think that the paperwork just to test drive a Ferrari is ridiculous. But when you are on the market for Rolls Roys, you appreciate the effort spent on receiving the very best possible value for your hard earned money...and NO, I am not an automobile, and not comparing myself to an object, I am just giving you an example of a mindset.
Stating clearly that I do not see everyone who contacts me and rarely see new clients in general is not a marketing trick, it is my business model. I am looking for fewer but high value clients, not for volume of high risk and low benefit. This year, I have only accepted two new requests, and seen one new client as the other one cancelled due to change of travel plans. I am in the active income business and my time is very valuable, I only exchange it for equal or greater value in return. It is not what I offer that is so very special, but rather what the rest of the market don't.
Value yourself.....and don't forget to smile!
Nicole xxx